Zeal (Early Childhood Parenting Workshop)

Perfection is a journey, and so is Parenting.

Zeal workshop has been specially designed for Early Childhood parents and aims to optimize learning, increase abilities and equip parents with essential knowledge and skills to be a better parent.

Zeal parenting workshop is built on the principles of active learning that utilizes recent research based on best practices on parenting education.

The program is extremely crucial for the parents of pre-school children. It takes the parents through the developmental milestones and what they can expect from their children at this stage, be it physical development, Emotional or Social. The parents are trained on the positive parenting principles for healthy communication in the family thereby strengthening the bond between parents and children. It also addresses the behavioral issues displayed by children at this stage and strategies to deal with them.

Some of the key objectives of the program are:

  •  To make parents aware of the developmental stage of children
  •  The physical, emotional and social milestone and their impact
  •  To share key positive parenting principles
  •  To psycho educate parents on the Dos and Don’ts for the children of this age
  •  To highlight the role of nutrition and necessary tips
  •  Addressing the behavioral issues of the stage like picky eating, tantrum and strategies to address them
  •  How to manage the tough job of positive disciplining
  •  Fostering Self Esteem in children
  •  Managing tough scenarios – anger management, reducing screen time
  •  Learning principles – Fun and Learn techniques
  •  How to manage work home balance