Digital Addiction Workshop

Digital Addiction or dependence as the terms states is a highly growing concern of today’s generation – It means “Excessive” or “Poorly controlled” or “Compulsive” use of technology such as internet, computer or phone usage leading to impairment or distress.

What does digital addition include?

  •  Phone Addiction:Texting, gaming, selfies
  •  Social Media Addiction:Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Twitter
  •  Internet Addiction:Various sites, movies/ serials, shopping sites

Here are some glaring facts about the misuse/overuse of the digital technology

  •  India has most Internet addicts in the world
  •  Young people spend more time on Smartphone than sleep
  •  96% check social media first thing every morning

What are the effects of Digital Addiction?

  •  It is associated with depression including low self-esteem
  •  It has lead to higher incidences of anxiety, depression and insomnia
  •  It also results in significant decline in children’s average attention i
  •   Decline in skills in critical thinking and analysis due to excessive use of technology